A survivor prepares to negotiate. Photo: London Belli. Pictured: Matthew Fiore.

The Treaty of the Fold outlines the powers of the Patron Families. Under the Treaty, the leader of each Family has absolute power over life and death… In practice, the politics of Requiem are far more complicated, with a delicate balance of power.

Review the entire Treaty of the Fold.

Laws of Requiem

  • Requiem is open to all who can enter. If someone breaks the law within its borders, kill them.

  • Public preaching and advertising of preaching is outlawed.

  • If a citizen is murdered, the killer shall be killed in kind. If a Family Member is murdered, the killer and one of their closest associates shall be killed in kind.

  • Theft and destruction of property is fined at the return of or the worth of the property. If it is a Family Member’s property the fine is doubled.

  • Speaking the names of any Family that no longer has bonds to the living world is punishable by death.