Patron Family

“Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

St. Hermes Ambrosios, head of the Anderson-Ambrosios. Photo by Shawn Smith.

Faith has been a complex topic in the settlement of Requiem- where preaching is outlawed, somehow religiosity still flourishes. Yet still, there lie issues with problematic faithful. That is where the Anderson-Ambrosios Family steps in. Rising from the ashes of the Jones Secularity to right the wrongs the Jones did, the Anderson-Ambrosios Family seeks to find balance between religiosity and overzealousness. The shepherds of the faithful and a way station for lowly travelers, the hospitable strains of the Anderson-Ambrosios Family offer blessings, meals, and guidance along the journey.


Faith - Both maintaining the peace of uprising and problematic cults, and the guidance of those who seek a more pious life.

Key Individuals

St. Hermes Ambrosios, MD - Quiet Folk Pathfinder of the Sainthood of Ashes and Father of the Anderson-Ambrosios Family, St. Hermes guides individuals through the forest of life; both to the brightest clearings, or to the darkest corners.

Randy Anderson - Merican Mother of the Nuclear Family, Randy is the leader of combat and battlements of the Anderson-Ambrosios. Second only to St. Hermes, Randy’s hootin’ and hollerin’ attitude inspires freedom and rally in nearly every ally of Requiem.


[Coming Soon]


The Anderson-Ambrosios Family was created by four strains, originally as a sort of miniature Nuclear Family. Randy Anderson, Merican Ba’Das and Lumberjack, was adopted into the Nuclear Family. With his partner, St. Hermes Ambrosios, MD, a Quiet Folk Doctor and Sainthood from Requiem, they adopted two children- Arlo, a Remnant-now-Unstable Arsonist and Pyrokinetic Final Knight, and Arabella, a Remnant-now-Accensorite Priestess of the Tribes of Seasons. These four created the Anderson-Ambrosios Family, a group centered on the beauty of the difference of Faith. Every member of the Family was of a different faith, and could share their different (or perhaps, rather similar) views on the world through their faiths with one another.

Family Iconography

Red, White, & Blue